Most companies have embraced the move towards digital platforms to promote their brand and sell their services, but many have found themselves at a crossroads.
Do they really need an app if they already have a fully functional mobile website?
Well, the answer isn’t as clear cut as a simple yes or no, as there are many factors a business must consider before making the crucial decision on whether to integrate the two platforms to work cohesively in conjunction with one another.
But it’s important to remember that remaining connected is a necessity from a business point of view, no matter how many platforms they operate on. Technology is continually being developed to become more invasive and integrated to keep people, places, and products connected at any time and from anywhere.
So, with the potential for connectivity more critical than ever, is integrating your platforms the next step forward and will it improve the overall customer experience?
Below, we’ve listed some of the key advantages of providing customers with both a website and app:
Audience Engagement
Although a mobile website has an extremely wide audience reach, apps can be customised to offer personalised content to users depending on their preferences, searches and location.
So, imagine your mobile website is a gateway to your app. It’s an effective way of funnelling customers to a platform where they can enjoy a tailored experience unique to them, which will ultimately increase conversion rate and user retention.
No matter how engaging or rewarding a mobile website is, if the user finds themselves in a location where they can’t access the internet, the site becomes dormant.
However, apps can be used offline and even if they do need internet connectivity to perform certain tasks, most enable users to access some form of basic content and functions.
Therefore, it will pay dividends to integrate the two platforms to ensure users will always have some form of access, especially for when they are on the go.
As mentioned in a previous blog, the efficiency of instant access makes apps a preferred choice for many. Being a click away is a lot more convenient than waiting for a slow loading website. In fact, the framework that supports mobile apps is more responsive and faster than websites based on JavaScript codes.
With this in mind, having an app as an extra platform can be very beneficial. They help customers complete tasks quickly, and just mere seconds can be the difference between whether a product is sold or not.
Companies can make their websites and apps lean on each other to provide customers with a consistent brand experience as they move from their laptops to their smartphones. Creating this seamless transition will enable them to open the app and pick up where they left off on the website. Again, time is everything, so it’s important customers can switch platforms as they please.
In-app & push notifications
In-app notifications are received when a user opens an application on their devices, while push notifications are received on devices whether a user has opened an app or not.
Both these functions allow businesses to keep users updated in real-time. The ability to send instant, non-intrusive notifications also helps to promote products and services regularly, thus increasing profits.
Overall, businesses and organisations who choose to use both a website and app shouldn’t see the app as being just another version of their website. While websites are great at providing information, apps are powerful vehicles of engagement and businesses should utilise them to ensure they lean on one another to fill in the gaps.
However, if you’re considering using both platforms, it is vital they are integrated to ensure they add relevance and value to your business. A carefully planned and executed app will be an invaluable engagement-driving tool, but a standalone app with no integration could see it end up as just one of many unloved apps on a user’s smartphone or tablet.