There are many reasons why more than ten million websites enable users to login using their Facebook account. The simplicity of clicking a button to gain instant access is just one reason, albeit a major one.
However, despite its many advantages, Facebook login also has its drawbacks, so we’ve listed some of the pros and cons of using the social media behemoth to access websites.
Benefits of using Facebook login
Quick registration
For the user, the efficiency of instant access makes social logins a preferred choice for many. It’s no secret that the more steps a user has to take before being able to purchase a product or sign-up to a service significantly reduces the conversion rate.
Being able to bypass these steps with a few clicks makes Facebook login a fast alternative. It also decreases the number of users who withdraw interest from a website after forgetting their passwords or usernames. This is a serious problem and research has shown users who can’t remember their personal details are more inclined to abandon interest with the website than go through the process of password recovery.
No more spam bots
Other than the time-consuming steps it can take to access a site, another nuisance users come across is spam bots, such as those used by Captcha to verify if users are human or not.
Having to transcribe distorted letters and numbers or click through specific features in images can deter spam from filtering through, but might also turn users away who just don’t have the time or patience to click through and concentrate on the often tricky process.
Facebook login allows the user to click straight through to the product or service they require without the need to concentrate or problem solve, which is especially effective if they are trying to gain access while on the go.
Gain accurate data
People may change their details when signing up to different websites and sometimes these details may be dishonest or inaccurate.
But social logins provide more personal and demographic user information, as people tend to be more honest on social media channels. This accurate data can help a business gain a greater understanding of its users and will not only improve the performance of its website, but can be utilised in sales and marketing strategies when reaching out to new customers.
Also, by integrating Facebook login into a website, a business can ask for permission to obtain the user’s e-mail, profile page, friends, photos and even Facebook ’likes’, all of which paint a clearer picture of who its customers are, as opposed to the traditional login methods.
Higher level of security
Because user credentials stay with Facebook, security is significantly strengthened. Businesses and organisations can confidently maintain the only identities of their users, whom may feel more inclined to sign-up via Facebook due to its familiarisation and status.
Drawbacks of using Facebook login
Concerned users
On the flip side of the point made above, some users may feel worried or concerned that by logging into a website through Facebook, businesses will have access to sensitive information and will bombard their profile page with advertising.
Even if a website explains how it will use user information in the login process, many users may still have a trust issue – which isn’t helped following the revelation that Cambridge Analytica harvested data from more than 50 million Facebook accounts without permission.
Although most people worldwide have, or have access to, a Facebook account, not all do. And if interested users can’t login into a website because it only enables Facebook login, they are lost. Therefore, it is vital to always offer an alternative login method.
Maintenance costs
Facebook’s application programming interface (the functions and procedures that build applications) constantly changes to incorporate new features and upgrades. So, if a business uses Facebook login, it will be required to make the updates at its end, thus incurring maintenance costs.
Businesses may also have to spend a larger sum for a more streamlined experience. Although installing the app is not complicated or expensive, receiving user data in a digestible form can cost more to integrate.
And the integration means nothing if Facebook goes down, as users won’t be able to access a company’s site if it only allows them to login via Facebook.
Overall, integrating Facebook login into a website is very beneficial and can help to build and retain customers. The easy accessibility and offering of accurate user data makes it a popular choice for many modern businesses and organisations.
However, the drawbacks can have a detrimental impact on a business if it only chooses to use Facebook login as a way of allowing users to purchase or sign-up to its services. Therefore, an alternative login method is always essential.