Now, more than ever it is essential to be trading online. If you’re a retail business owner, big or small, you must be concerned about what effect the current epidemic will have on your costs and your business as a whole. Well, one place to cut costs isn’t your website.
It’s an unfortunate fact that high street locations are generally expensive to run, rent and staff. As much as everyone hates to lose their local amenities; if it’s a decision you do make, it’s by no means the end.
At the moment, trade is increasingly moving online, with The Guardian predicting in 2019 that half of UK retail sales will be online within 10 years; with this set to thrive even further now as people isolate themselves in their homes. In fact there are plenty of retail businesses these days that operate entirely online. was established 20 years ago and is now one of the leading fashion retailers in the UK, all without a single brick and mortar store.
There are so many benefits to trading online, some more obvious than others. Take a look at the points below and think about the impact it could have on your business:
Opening hours
Beginning with an obvious one, but your online store is open 24/7, not a single bank holiday off. If a customer sees all the information and options online on a lazy Tuesday night in front of the TV, they can continue to browse at their leisure until they find a product they want, with no closing time.
This brings us swiftly into location, for an online business, your store is situated exactly where the customer wants it to be. In their own living room as above, maybe on the train to work or at the gym. Your customers can browse wherever, whenever they want.
Data analysis
Speaking of browsing your store, it’s far easier for you to know which of your products are being looked at. So, aside from sales figures, you now have a world of Google Analytics to work with. This can tell you which items aren’t getting the love you thought they would, it can also lead to showing you there’s a product that needs some change, if sales are down yet page clicks are high or average, you now know you need to investigate why that item isn’t creating sales.
New customers
The SEO on your website means you could continue to gain new followers organically through their searches. Strong SEO pushes your site higher up the results page and if you have what someone is searching for, this is the best way for them to find you without advertising or remarketing.
Search bar
If you have regular customers who come to you for their relevant needs, it would be quicker for them to type in the item they need in a search bar than to find it in a store. You would need knowledgeable staff to be able to do this in a physical store.
Your home deliveries could be putting a smile on your customers faces
Online shoppers love to compare! If your customer isn’t yet set on what they’re buying; implementing a product comparison page would greatly help them. You’ve probably used something like this yourself last time you bought a new phone or a laptop. If it works for big electrical purchases then why not anything else; compare wine notes, compare skincare ingredients, compare book reviews or pillow softness! A skilled employee would of course be able to do the same, but it would take a lot of time. And many people like to make their own decisions slowly and collect their own notes.
Niche items
If you’re thinking “my product is far too specific to just throw on a website”, it’s not an impossible feat. You just haven’t found the right tool yet. Our experienced web developers can
accommodate the most complicated of systems. So, if you have dozens of size, colour and specification options we can still create a platform to help your customers find what they want. Or if you sell customised products like photo montages or t-shirts, the customer can design and view their item themselves online using a specially built tool.
If all these points have convinced you to put more focus on your online sales strategy and website,
contact us to see what we can do to help. Even if the idea of relying solely on online once terrified you, we’re a friendly team who can help make the most of your ecommerce venture.