It is said that 1 in 4 people in England will experience a mental health problem of some sort each year, whilst 1 in 6 people will experience issues such as anxiety or depression in any given week (Mind Charity).
With such high statistics for mental health problems, it is surprising that as a society we are often reluctant to talk about these issues.
For years, there has seemingly been a stigma around people talking about how they are feeling, with many people (particularly men) believing they are unable to speak openly about their mental health due to fear of looking weak or being judged. With suicide rates for men in England and Wales rising in 2019 (According to The Guardian), it is important that the dialogue around mental health is improved, and that people feel able to talk openly about how they are feeling. Many campaigns aim to increase awareness around mental health, with many celebrities being more open about their own struggles (particularly the ‘Be Kind’ campaign following the death of Caroline Flack earlier this year), however it is not always easy to encourage people to talk about how they are feeling, or to admit that they are struggling.
Therefore, it is important that we all do whatever we can to increase the level of conversation surrounding mental health and show people that it is ok to not be ok.
One company who aims to do just that is Just Camps. They are running a campaign to encourage people to talk about their mental health, and to help break the stigma around suffering with issues such as anxiety and depression.
They have designed a range of t-shirts for adults and children, which aim to encourage discussion and raise awareness around mental health conditions.
The range of t-shirts available.
There are four different designs and 10% of profits from each t-shirt sold will go to Mind, who help people to help themselves and others by openly talking about mental health issues. You can help to support this campaign by purchasing a t-shirt here.
It goes without saying that it is important to check in on friends and family to make sure they are ok, but with the current Covid-19 regulations, it is imperative that we all take care of ourselves and each other, particularly those who are isolated and may not have anybody to speak to. Businesses should also ensure that employees feel they are able to talk openly about their mental health, whether that be with fellow colleagues or with a particular member of staff. Either way, people should feel that the workplace is a safe space and somewhere they can talk about any issues without fear of judgement.
If you or somebody you know are struggling with mental health issues, please do not suffer in silence. Reach out and speak to somebody. Even if you do not feel you can speak to a friend or family member, there are people who will listen and try to help. Although you may feel that you are, you are not alone.
Get help:
- CALM: 0800 58 58 58 (daily, 5pm to midnight)
- Men's Health Forum: 020 7922 7908 (24/7 stress support for men by text, chat and email)
- Mind: 0300 123 3393 (Monday to Friday, 9am to 6pm)
- Samaritans: 116 123 (free 24-hour helpline)
Remember, in a world where you can be anything, be kind.