Our research starts with a full exploration of your company, competitors, and existing market space, in order to ascertain the following:
- What are your competitors doing and what are their key brand messages and USPs?
- How do you differ from your competitors/what makes you unique?
- Is your target audience different from your competitors' and if not, could it be?
- How does your competitors' branding compare - what do you like/dislike about their website(s) and/or social media strategy(ies)?
- Are there existing products on the market and if so, how are these marketed?
- Are there any challenges associated with the product and how could they be overcome?
In addition to the above, and in the case of MVPs, a number of online marketing channels (such as Google, Social media, forums, and news channels) would also be utilised, enabling us to gain valuable insight into customer activity. This helps us to assess the market, and track typical buying patterns and trends; ultimately ensuring the product need is fully explored, prior to the MVP being developed.
All of the above would be compiled into a takeaway insights document for you – presenting you with the key findings and a proposed plan for the project.
For more information, please take a look at our Specialist Aviation Services (Branding) case study.